Exclude certain requests from the Nginx access log

Logs are nice and all that, but sometimes certain entries are there just to fill up the logs or are cluttering them. Here’s a few ways to exclude requests – by URL or visitor IP – from the Nginx access log.

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Configure your local Postfix to relay through a transactional email service

Using Postfix with specialized, transactional email services like SendGrid or Mandrill is excellent for not only for optimizing email deliverability, but they usually also offer some nice features.

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Two Factor Authentication for WordPress

If you’re using a strong password, brute-forcing is a very inefficient way of breaking into your WordPress account, and if it is really strong, dictionary attacks won’t help much either. However, there are are other, easier, ways for a mischievous person to get their hands on your login credentials e.g. with phishing, keyloggers or a MITM attack. By using a two-factor solution, you will increase your login security by an order of magnitude.Continue reading “Two Factor Authentication for WordPress”

WordPress behind Big-IP

To be honest, I don’t exactly know too much about Big-IP, but I’ve come across someone who use it. They terminate HTTPS in Big-IP and WordPress runs on plain HTTP on port 80 on the backend nodes. By default, this makes WordPress confused, so you can’t login to the WordPress dashboard.Continue reading “WordPress behind Big-IP”

HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP)

Using HTTPS helps preventing someone from snooping your username/password or hijacking your sessions. Using HSTS makes sure the connection stays on HTTPS, even if a MITM tries to redirect you to the plain HTTP version of a web site. But it is easier than you might think for a MITM to use a rogue certificate, making you believe everything is fine. HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) helps the browser check that everything actually is fine.Continue reading “HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP)”

Running PHP7-FPM Nightly Build on Ubuntu 14.04

As I’m writing this, the calendar shows April 14 2015. According to the PHP 7.0 timeline, it has a projected release date of November 2015. But if you want to try it out (to check out the speed), you can already do so.Continue reading “Running PHP7-FPM Nightly Build on Ubuntu 14.04”

Running HHVM with fallback to PHP-FPM

HHVM can really speed up your PHP-based web site. Most reports are somewhere in the range of 2–4x faster. Unfortunately, HHVM isn’t very stable and will suddenly die, just of the blue, from time to another. Fortunately, if you’re running Nginx it’s really easy to set up PHP-FPM as a fallback.Continue reading “Running HHVM with fallback to PHP-FPM”